Friday, February 26, 2010

I've Been Deleted!

Fewer things can do more harm to the psyche of a writer/geocacher than having a log deleted. After putting words to thoughts, going through wondrous detail while maintaining the mystery of the cache itself, spending untold seconds into choosing the exact right words to commemorate the experience, being told the effort is valueless, or in this case, "icky," is the kind of disappointment that elicits self-doubt, bitter resentment or even a righteously indignant expletive shouted out in the middle of a quiet evening to no one in particular.

In the past, I've had cache owners warn me they would delete my log if I didn't rewrite it, usually because they felt it gave away too much information. Normally, it has to do with exactly
which smelly, trash filled bush to search, and which ones are better avoided. My usual response is to rewrite my log to say something along the lines of, "Found it," or something less verbose.

The offended teenager in this case didn't like me writing about my experience, since it was a mystery involving the need for police involvement in the park where the cache is placed. I was only a fringe player, as a concerned citizen asked if I could call the cops on a druggee that was hanging around play equipment shared by families and children, but as my phone was out of service, there was nothing I could do except go find the cache and get out of the park. The cache itself was an obvious find, easily visible to anyone who might be in the location. The fact that the cache itself is in jeopardy as a target for the local drug addicts, who might think it fun to stash their own brand of swag inside it, did not seem to concern the owner of the cache as much as the idea that people might know about it. I reposted my found log, edited to three words in total, and emailed the owner that perhaps one cacher's negative experience might be to another cacher's benefit, but I imagine such advice is wasted.

As to the disappointment of losing, forever, a thoughtfully worded and carefully constructed paragraph, well...

...there's more where that came from.

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